lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2014


CAN / CAN'T shows ability, inability, request, permission, possibility, and inappropriateness.


a. I can speak English.
b. You can leave early today.
c. Can I come in, please?


Positive: Subject + CAN + Verb1

Negative: Subject + CAN'T + Verb1

Hecanrunvery vestYoucan'trunvery fast
Hecansitin the gardenHecan'tsitin the garden
Shecancomewith usShecan'tcomewith us
Itcanjumpto the other sideItcan'tjumpto the other side
Wecanmakedelicious cakesWecan'tmakedelicious cakes
Youcanpassthe examYoucan'tpassthe exam


We use “CAN” to express

1. AbilityShe can ride a bike.
He can speak Japanese.
I can play table tennis.
We can cook.

2. Inability He can’t ride a horse.
I can’t type very fast.
Jan can not run fast.
Alicia cannot drive a car.

3. Request Can you help me?
Can you tell me the way to the museum?
Can you come here a minute please?
4. Permissions Can I use your cell phone?
Can I take a day off?
Can I smoke here?
Can I go out?
5. Possibility The florist can deliver the bouquet early.
My friend can visit me this week

Note: can is not normal used to describe future possibility in the positive form.

INCORRECT: It can rain tomorrow.

6. Inappropriateness You can’t wear that dress! It is indecent.
You can’t smoke in this building. It is illegal.
You can’t ask for information here. This is not information desk.

Watch the following video:


lunes, 20 de octubre de 2014

Adverbs of frequency

Adverbios de frecuencia

 · Estos adverbios pueden utilizarse para responder a preguntas que comienzan con How
often? o How frequently?. Estos son los adverbios de frecuencia ordenados de mayor a
menor frecuencia.

100% always             siempre
usually/normally      normalmente
often                          a menudo
50% sometimes        a veces
occasionally             ocasionalmente
rarely                         rara vez, pocas veces
seldom                      rara vez
hardly ever               casi nunca
0%  never                  nunca

· Los adverbios de frecuencia se sitúan delante del verbo, excepto en el caso del verbo to be.

- I always get up at 9 on weekdays.

- They hardly ever go out at night.
- My parents often go bowling.

Watch the following video: